September 19, 2010

the begining of all the formidable things....

The decision: we will go to England! Everybody happy....preparations for the traveling and a long list with things wich need to be done until the departure.
With some weeks before the trip we went to Hungary for a competition and I had to fly a test task with Ferinc Vince because he didn't had navigator for the EMC 2010. When we arrived he told me that we can not fly on friday and because of the competition we didn't fly in the weekend. Sunday afternoon we decided that I have to stay at him for the next week because of the test tasks. I was happy that I achieve this really good opportunity. Than I didn't know that how hard it will be for me. At first I had to find more photos at the test tracks than an other girl. I was afraid of it....I wante to show for my parents and for my friends that they can be proud of me. I even dreamed about it....but after two tasks I won the "competition":P I was happy and I just waited the weekend because than I had the first opportunity to try me at a real competition. I was afraid that what will happens if I will not do my job good. But I done it good:) On my first competition in my life I won the first place....I was so happy but I need to tell that sometimes I was scared during the tasks....for example I never flew over mountines until then. But we WON it!!!!

At home I was more  depressed than before....I can not explain why....but I didn't want to go even in England. I just wanted to stay at home alone....maybe to went on some parties....but that's all.

 Okey after the competition we went to England. The travel it was nice and amazing.

We arrived at Sywell's airport. I didn't want to do anything....I felt tired all day. I said that if I'm not happy it can not happend anything that make me unhappy....because I'm still unhappy:P:D (yes I know it's a stupid idea but I could not explain my bad mood )

Before the competition we flew some test tasks....the weather it was really bad....I mean it was raining and the wind never stops even for 5 minute. During this flyes I had some really dark ideas....I was thinking about what would be happen with us in that bad weather....I didn't told my thoughts for anybody....they scaried me.
During the competition we were flying in turbulence and strong wind but until the end of the competition I accustomed with the bad weather.

We had fun on the hangar parties. One it was on Monday....than I was dancing a lot. On Thuesday the Italian team says that they can't resist without party until Friday so they organised a Pasta party:) That was my second best party in this summer:) I smiled a lot....and I got back a lot of smiles too:) so just Keep smiling:D

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